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Rocketry Rendezvous: Egg-citing!

Rocketry Rendezvous: Egg-citing!

The 皇冠足彩 Rocketry Club is buzzing with excitement as they prepare for their upcoming launches. With spring just around the corner, anticipation fills the air as they discussed their plans. "We're launching after March break," confirmed senior Hanna Cox, eager to see their hard work take flight.

As they reviewed their rocket designs, discussions turned to engine sizes. "We'll use everything," explained Eugene Katsman, club advisor and Engineering/Physics Instructor. "Some with A's and B's, others with D's. The Mean Machine is our star, fueled by a powerful D engine." Their enthusiasm was contagious as they debated the heights their rockets might reach. A size D engine has a burn time of around 1.6 seconds and can reach a few hundred feet depending on the rocket. The largest rocket, the Sparrow, will remain grounded for the immediate future. "We won't launch the Sparrow," they lamented, acknowledging the FAA licensing hurdles they faced.

Despite the challenges, the club was determined to excel. "We're not just launching for fun," they emphasized. One member is part of the Rocketry Challenge group, aiming for the stars." The goal of the Challenge group is to design a rocket that could carry an egg payload to a precise altitude and duration without cracking upon landing. It is a daunting task, but they were ready for the challenge.

As the deadline for submission draws near, they are working tirelessly, fueled by their passion for aerospace. With each test launch, they hone their skills, inching closer to their ultimate goal.

For the 皇冠足彩 Rocketry Club, the sky is not the limit—it was just the beginning of their extraordinary journey into the world of rocketry.